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After the results in Tuesday's Acela primaries, the presidential chances of Ted Cruz and Bernie Sanders have passed from a forlorn, but still reality-based, “stranger things have happened” hope, to pure fantasyland.
I can’t think of anything more depressing.
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“Do ghosts complain of how their joints creak? No, she’s only an old dwarf woman. A
though her skin was cold as ice, and when he gave his seed to her he gave his soul as
Alyx, respectively. Neither of them was drinking; along with Patrek Mallister and Dacey
half in the dying, its mournful trumpetings terrible to hear.
eagle’s blue-grey wings. “Coming, from the east.”
she saw. One of the other Freys was trapped beneath his dying horse, drowning in a foot
Sweet Donnel had laid a shaft just off the bull’s eye at fifty yards. “Best that, old man,”
Catelyn would have liked to embrace him, if only for a moment; to sit for an hour or a
his knees, his head rolling, the brightness of blood on snow . . . his father’s sword, his
The steel links parted like silk. “A sword,” Brienne begged, and there it was, scabbard,
city, and took Stannis in the rear.”
Three ravens had risen from the rookery, black wings beating at the air as they took
and poured and changed dressings, Jon’s words nagged at him. Sam, you’re a sweet
Bella turned to Arya. “Don’t he like girls?”